

We welcome you to Blaisdell Camp, we’re mighty glad you’re here!
We’ll send the air reverberating with a mighty cheer.
We’ll sing you in, we’ll sing you out, to you we’ll raise a mighty shout,
Hail! Hail! The gang’s all here and you’re welcome to Blaisdell Camp!





Dear camp in the mountains,
What memories you hold,
Bright skies and woodlands and campfires gold!
And the sails ‘gainst the blue sky
On Lake Blaisdell shore,
Will live in our memories when camp days are o’er!

O Blaisdell beloved, you set our hearts dreaming
Of old friends and new friends that pass with each year.

And so in the future our hearts will remember
Those campfire days and Blaisdell’s praise Will live fore’er!


A counselor and some Hilltoppers walking down the road - about 1952



Lillis A. Hull - Miss Lee

Lillis A. Hull - Miss Lee. Photo courtesy of Meg Ames



Charlotte Fenstermaker - Miss Char

Charlotte Fenstermaker - Miss Char




To Lillis A. Hull, a great leader, whose vision and dreams were realized in Camp Blaisdell, a place for girls to flourish, develop their strength, and work toward their own dreams. And to Charlotte Fenstermaker, who served as co-director until her death.

We pay tribute also to the many counselors who came to teach and care for the campers, imparting determination, patience and enthusiasm as well as the skills they taught.



To the people of the town of Bradford, New Hampshire and the surrounding area, who supported Camp Blaisdell with their work and other assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres cooked for the camp for many years, and later Ella and Mrs. E took over. Many others assisted in the running and maintenance of the camp – from the kitchen to building maintenance to trunk deliveries. Thank you all. We hope you will see what your support enabled us to learn and become, and to go on to render service to others.




We would especially like to thank Stacey Horlitz who has kept and preserved much of Camp Blaisdell, and who has enthusiastically welcomed former campers.  Thank you also to the others who now live at Blaisdell, who have kept it and welcomed us.



The waterfront - circa 1956

The waterfront - circa 1956



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